Rims & Tyres in Kefalonia
At Marketos Car Repair you can also find a large variety of rims & tyres
Checking your tyres often will prolong their lifespan and won't compromise your safety on the road
Save some time and schedule your car service or one of the services we provide with a professional wheel check
It's always a good idea to check the condition of your tyres. Make sure you always have the correct air pressure and that your tyres arent damaged
You can visit us at Krania in Argostoli Kefalonia and we will show you the spots you have to keep an eye on
We represent big companies of rims and tyres like ANTERA, AWS, MB Italia, Roadstone, RVS, Arcasting etc.
You can see a good variety of tyres and rims in our shop in Kefalonia, as soon as you enter the town of Argostoli in the area of Krania
- Car Tyres
- Motorbike Tyres
- Bus Tyres
- Truck Tyres
- Car Rims
- Motorbike Rims
- Rim customization Spare Parts